Interesting facts on car or the car industry that you might know or not know, so read on!
The First Japanese car in the United States was the Honda Accord manufactured in November 1982.
The First Japanese car in the United States was the Honda Accord manufactured in November 1982.

2. The first car used lever instead of steering wheel
3. An airbag takes only 40 milliseconds to inflate after an accident.
4. Ferrari only sells about 14 cars every day.
3. An airbag takes only 40 milliseconds to inflate after an accident.
4. Ferrari only sells about 14 cars every day.

5. The world's longest traffic hold-up was between Paris and Lyon on the French Autoroute in 1980. it was about 110 miles long.
6. Tata breaks the world records by producing the world's cheapest car, Tata Nano.
6. Tata breaks the world records by producing the world's cheapest car, Tata Nano.

7. Windshield wipers were introduced by a woman.
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